16 Januari, 2010

Rapid weight loss cause kidney failure

Before this, I never realize about the close relationships between rapid weight loss with kidney failure. Anatomically, our kidneys are covered by a fatty mass which is important in order to holding the kidneys in their normal body position. By having improper diet or taking bad supplements to loss weight in a short time, we are actually risking our kidneys. As fat metabolism occurs rapidly, the fatty mass which I have mention just now will decline.Thus, it cause the kidneys to drop to the lower position and bending of ureter(slender tubes that conveys urine from kidney to urinary bladder) which suppose to be straightened.

The bending of ureter cause the back flow of urine into kidney. Just imagine that our kidneys have to refiltrate the urine and this will exerts the pressure on its tissue (the condition called hydronephrosis). The moral value from this article is if you want to loss weight please do it constantly with proper way. You can meet nutritionist to get some advice in order to control your diet.

10 Januari, 2010

Do you hate cholesterol?

Please don't answer the question now because after read this article, you might change your believe about cholesterol. Some of hormones in our body are synthesized from cholesterol. When you are stress, the hypotahalamus, basically part of your brain will release corticotrophin releasing hormone(CRH) which it will stimulate the secretion of corticotropins hormone by adrenal pituitary.

Corticotropins hormone travel in our body via blood vessels until it reach at adrenal cortex( organs just above our kidneys). By react with the receptor sites at the adrenal cortex, it will stimulate the secretion of corticosteroids(synthesized from cholesterol) which is important in regulation of glucose,fat & protein metabolism. CRH usually produce during stress condition including when we are hungry.Hunger also considered physiologically as STRESS. So, you don't like cholesterol? Ok, fine. Corticosteroids won't be secrete, no glucose,fat or protein metabolism occurs. No energy will be provided for you.

Beside corticosteroids, gonadal hormones also have been synthesized from cholesterols. The example for gonadal hormones are estrogens. Estrogens have several metabolic effects including maintaining low total blood cholesterol levels and facilitating calcium uptake which helps sustain the density of skeleton. In other word, estrogen helps to get your bone stronger.So ladies, please do not get hysteria with cholesterol. This is the reason why do women after menapouse tend to get osteophoresis because there are no longer estrogens to help their bones.

As for men, testosterone(also synthesized from cholesterol) maintain the accessory organs include ducts,glands and the penis-causing them to grow and assume adult size and function. When the hormone is deficient or absent,all accessory organs atrophy, semen volumes declines markedly,erection and ejaculation are impaired. Thus, a man becomes both sterile and unable to carry out sexual intercourse.

The conclusion is don't worry too much about cholesterol. The most important thing is have a healthy diet and lifestyles-means beside eat and eat ...let's go for a jog, a walk,hiking, swimming or playing badminton 3 times in a week.

Serangan sakit jantung

Sering kali kita disajikan dengan drama-drama di kaca televisyen bahawa individu yang kaya raya sering kali menghidap serangan sakit jantung. Sejauh mana kebenaran ini jika dilihat dalam dunia realiti? Pertama sekali, biar saya terangkan apa yang dimaksudkan sebagai serangan sakit jantung. Penyakit ini ialah disebabkan oleh sekatan yang berlaku dalam saluran koronari. Salur darah koronari ialah salur darah yang berada pada tisu-tisu otot jantung untuk membekalkan nutrien yang diperlukan oleh sel-sel otot jantung.Hal ini bagi memastikan bahawa jantung kita dapat mengepam darah ke seluruh tubuh badan dan ke peparu.

Terdapat banyak sebab salur darah koronari ini boleh tersumbat. Contoh yang paling biasa kita dengar ialah pembentukan gumpalan lemak di dalam salur darah ini. Apabila lemak bergumpal, secara langsung ia akan mengecilkan diameter salur darah koronari. Secara logiknya, sudah tentu sel-sel darah sukar untuk melalui bahagian tersebut. Tambahan pula sel darah merah yang berperanan untuk membekalkan oksigen pada sel-sel otot jantung tidak dapat melaksanakan tugasnya. Justeru, sel-sel otot jantung kekurangan bekalan oksigen sehingga tidak dapat menjalankan aktiviti metabolisme dan jika keadaan ini berterusan, sel-sel tersebut akan mati.

Pada otot-otot jantung terdapat fiber-fiber yang elastik bagi membolehkan kontraksi berlaku namun apabila sel-sel ini mati, ianya akan digantikan dengan tisu-tisu yang kaku dan tidak elastik. Keadaan adalah lebih teruk jika hal ini berlaku pada bahagian ventrikel kiri(bahagian bawah jantung di sebelah kiri) yang mengepam darah ke seluruh tubuh badan.

Kenapa warga tua berpotensi tinggi untuk mendapat serangan sakit jantung? Satu soalan yang baik. Hal ini kerana apabila kita semakin tua, keupayaan tisu-tisu lemak untuk membentuk sel-sel lemak menjadi semakin cekap. Oleh itu, sangat penting bagi kita untuk mengawal diet pemakanan seharian, banyakkan bersenam dan elakkan mengambil makanan berlemak melebihi kuantiti yang dibenarkan. Bagi warga tua, sangat dianjurkan bagi mereka untuk bersenam mengikut kemampuan diri.

02 Januari, 2010


I'm sure that most of us had been experienced with tears but do you understand what it is actually all about? Tears or its scientific name is lacrimal secretion which is a dilute saline solution. It consist of lacrimal fluid that contain mucus, antibodies and lysozyme(enzyme that destroys bacteria). Thus, it helps our eye in order to cleanses and protects the surface as it moistens & lubricates it. Tearing happens when the eyes are irritated in order to wash away or dilute the irritating substances while the importance of emotionally induced tears is poorly understood.

However, the other interesting fact about tears is when you cry, it is just not only tears will drop out, do you ever realize that you also experience "running nose"? Look into the mirror and try to find lacrimal puncta ( tiny red dots on the medial margin of each eyelid). They are two tiny opening which your tears will enter via them into lacrimal sac and then into nasolacrimal duct which empties into the nasal cavity( inside your nose).That is the cause for congestion and the "sniffles".