27 Januari, 2014


Zindagi ek safar hai suhana, yahan kal kya ho kisne jaana
(Life is a beautiful journey, who know what will happen tomorrow)

Today you fall but you may already stand up tomorrow. Today the sun shines bright, who knows tomorrow the whole day will be raining. In the morning you're laughing, who knows something bad happen in the middle and the whole day will be rotten in memory. The one you meet today, you think he/she is the best person you ever met but suddenly betray you, scars you for the rest of your life. Who knows? Nobody knows except The One who let it happen. And why do He tries us? Because He want to differentiate which one of us strive to serve Him the best. Simply look at the final year student in the universities. The one who strive hard and give the best in his project compare with the other who just takes his project lightly, producing such bad results and writing a horrible discussion in his thesis. By looking at their efforts and outcomes, is it fair for them to get the same grade?

The Creator knows His Creations far much better than the creations know about themselves. Our limitations, skills, attitudes, imaan, everything inside and outside. Just like an engineer who create a machine, he know how the machine is operating, know how to do troubleshoot, the advantages and disadvantages of using it. Monologue, things that you are thinking, the voice inside your heart, The Creator knows about it. Although you are at the point when you can't find words to perfectly describe your feeling. The feeling which can only be expressed by tears. 

".......And to Allah are returned [all] matters." (35:4) This verse coming from the Surah Fatir which means Originator/ The Creator.  In whatever situation you are, return to Allah. My grandpa said, "Whenever you lost, you can't find your way back, you turn to Allah. He will show the way." Because He is The One who create you, me, us. Fatir is one of the surah which one should read whenever they feel lost and down. Those verses below give you motivation to go on, to keep move on, pull you to get up again when you fall: 

" [ For them are] gardens of perpetual residence which they will enter. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be silk. And they will say, " Praise to Allah, who has removed from us [all] sorrow. Indeed, our Lord is Forgiving and Appreciative. He who has settled us in the home of duration out of His bounty. There touches us not in it any fatigue and there touches us not in it weariness [of mind]." (35: 33-35)

Heaven is the ONLY place where there are no fatigue, no sadness, only joy. But Heaven is in the future  &  now we live in the present, world. Through our journey here, sometimes we can rest and enjoy but there are times which we will be smacked with troubles. If we wanna get something that we love, we must be able to bear with something that we hate first. The greater the rewards, there will be lots of thorns along the path to reach it.Tell me, which students love to stay up till late at night, having lecture from 8am- 5pm, doing tons of lab reports & being scold by lecturers? But why do many of them still bear with it? Because they know in the end they will be graduating and all these things will just past. They know that the rewards in end of the tunnel will grab them out from darkness. Promising better future for them and family. The experience, our inner character which build during hardship are the things that matter for us to face more challenge in the future.

Walk on this world as traveler. Nothing will last forever. Whatever it is either good or bad. Our destinations are either Heaven or Hell. We are given time to work on where we want to end up. That's all, waallahua'lam.

12 Januari, 2014

Good (deeds + things) = Good day

If we love good things happen to us, why do we have to be so stingy in doing good deeds?

I think about this while I was doing my labworks. Some rats under my lab mate supervision's had run out their pellets. I remembered when I was doing research for degree, my lecturer told me, " Whenever you saw cages which run out of water or pellets, just help to refill it. Although that's not yours." Thinking about that, yeahh...helping each other is a good deed but why do we always feel like it is kind of burden? Like in this example, it's not a big deal to help in refill the pellets. Just take it from where the owner stored & put it in the cages. 

I always heard people would said, "Why should I help her? She never help me in anything." So, does it means we only help others for rewards or hoping that they will help us in return? If everybody think that one must help us first then only we help them, I guess nobody will help each other. Everybody will just waiting to be helped. There are no terms & conditions apply to do good deeds. Whenever the chance come, just do it. Another example, while having lunch you saw a cat coming to you. Why don't you give a piece of what you eat to the cat? Don't you feel guilty at the time your stomach full while other creatures around you are hardly searching something to eat for themselves or might be for their kids? In my hometown market, every morning before the fishmonger open their stalls, they will give some fish to all the cats around the area. Non of them bankrupt just because doing some charity to those cats.

During the school time before, I still remember my teacher taught us, "Whenever you found a rubbish, pick & keep it in your pocket. ONLY throw it into a dustbin." It's a good deed but honestly, at first I didn't see how the rubbish will help me in return. But when everybody practicing the same thing, the school area was clean & beautiful so all of us can study & play comfortably. That's one of good things happen. However, this practice may not be practical to do everyday, every minute while walking on the sidewalk in this country. Because there are too much rubbish along the way. We might be late to reach our destination everyday. So, the best thing to do is to educate ourselves and close people around us to practice hygiene. Last words from me for this time, insyaAllah, let's do a lot of good deeds as much as we want good things happen to us. 

Good night and wassalam.  =D

08 Januari, 2014


Saya teringat pada satu soalan yang ditanyakan oleh seorang rakan bukan Islam. Disebabkan banyak kali juga saya terima soalan yang sama maka artikel ini ditaip untuk menerangkan secara ringkas tentang kalimah syahadah. Rakan saya lihat tulisan seperti dalam gambar di atas. 

Rakan  : Farhana, apa maksud tulisan tu?

Saya : Itu kalimah syahadah. Bacanya macam ni, Lailahaillallah Muhammadurrasulullah. Maksudnya, tiada Tuhan yang berhak disembah melainkan Allah dan Nabi Muhammad itu pesuruh Allah. 

Kalimah ini menjadi teras pegangan orang Islam iaitu hanya menyembah Allah, Tuhan yang Satu. Dia tidak ada anak dan tidak diperanakkan. Okay, maksud di sini, Allah s.w.t yang difahami & diimani oleh umat Islam ialah Allah itu Zat yang mencipta, mentadbir, menghidupkan dan mematikan semua yang ada di dunia ini. Dia saja yang Maha Berkuasa. Tak ada sekutu baginya iaitu tak ada dewa atau dewi yang tolong Dia dalam apa jua urusan. Kalau dalam agama lain, ada berhala/patung, ada tuhan yang pelbagai nama, berhala pula bermacam-macam bentuk. Tapi dalam Islam, Allah itu satu-satunya Tuhan yang disembah. Nak minta apa pun direct terus pada Dia melalui solat & doa. Nak minta ampun dosa ke, nak minta ditambah rezeki ke, nak minta lulus periksa ke, nak minta masuk syurga ke, semua tuju pada Allah s.w.t.

Allah wujud dengan sendirinya. Dia bukan macam manusia yang lahir hasil dari penyatuan sperma dan ovum. Allah itu juga tidak ada anak. Dia adalah Pencipta.  Dia menciptakan Adam dan Hawa secara langsung dan dari keduanya lahirlah generasi manusia sehingga ke hari ini. Tidak ada apa atau sesiapa pun yang setara/sama dengan Dia. Sesiapa pun dalam dunia ni, walau sejauh dan sehebat mana pun daya kreativiti kita dalam berimaginasi, kita takkan boleh bayang Allah tu rupanya macam mana. Adakah layak Pencipta disamakan kedudukan dengan benda yang diciptakan?

Nabi Muhammad atau Rasulullah s.a.w itu pesuruh Allah s.w.t. Maksudnya, Rasulullah s.a.w adalah rasul terakhir yang diutuskan untuk seluruh umat manusia tanpa mengira bangsa dan negara. Umat Islam juga beriman pada Nabi Isa a.s. Umat Islam pun beriman pada Kitab Taurat, Zabur dan Injil. Tetapi, apabila Al-Quran diturunkan dan Rasulullah diutuskan untuk umat akhir zaman, semua syariat/ ajaran Rasul yang sebelumnya sudah terbatal secara automatik. Setiap rasul membawa syariat sesuai dengan keadaan zaman dan umatnya. Berlainan dengan Rasulullah s.a.w, syariat yang dibawanya sejak 1400 tahun yang lampau masih kekal hingga sekarang dan akan tetap kekal sehingga Hari Kiamat. Takkan ada perubahan yang berlaku. Solat 5 waktu setiap hari dari 1400 tahun dulu sampai sekarang pun umat Islam masih wajib solat 5 waktu sehari semalam. Tak ada tambah, tak ada kurang. Wajib puasa sebulan di bulan Ramadhan, dari dulu sampai sekarang umat Islam wajib puasa sebulan. Tak ada tawar menawar nak kurangkan hingga 21 hari ke, 14 hari ke, 7 hari ke. Kalau ada, tu namanya ajaran sesat.

Sekian saja dari saya. Wallahua'lam (hanya Allah yang lebih mengetahui).

03 Januari, 2014

Female bee in the Quran

The worker bees are those who collect pollen and nectar. Then convert the nectar into honey. They are all females. The male bees do not make honey. As far as I know, this fact was known around 16th century. However, in 7th century the Quran refers to bees that generate the honey as females (the Arabic grammar is in the female mode). Refer to Surah An-Nahl verse 69. An-Nahl means The Bee.

For the word "eat": "Kuli" is for females; "Kul" is for males. The Quran used "Kuli" (females).

For the word "follow the ways": "Usluki" is for females; "Usluk" is for males. The Quran used "Usluki" (females).

For the word "their bellies": "butuniha" is for females; "butunihim" is for males. The Quran used "butuniha" (females).

If the Quran was created by Prophet Muhammad pbuh, how could he know that those honey making bees are females? He lived in 7th century while the fact was known in 16th century.

There are lots of scientific findings in the Quran but I'm writing about honey because I'm involved in the research about it.

Again I remind all of you, I'm not the one who know arabic. I'm not coming from a religious school. I'm a young Muslim researcher who passionate & excited to learn. I found this as a remarkable facts. That's why I wrote about it here. Before I wrote this article, I already confirm about the three arabic words listed above. If you don't believe it, you may do your own research. Just in case you want to know the truth. 

Although Muslims read Quran but not many of them want to understand it. As far as I know, Muslims around me, most of them didn't even take a look at the Quran everyday. That's why our ummah are sick.